
Here it is. The first Inside PR podcast for your listening pleasure.

We’ve submitted the podcast to iTunes, so we should have a one-click iTunes subscription here once we get the word back from Apple.   We have integrated PodPress, as you will see above, so just click play to hear the podcast right from the blog post.  It takes a few seconds to buffer. We’re also working on integrating PodPress into the site, which has a really neat integrated flash player that will play the podcast right from the blog post.

Show Notes

Inside PR #1

Welcome and introductions:

0:30 Terry opens the podcast; explains what the show is all about

1:52 Terry shouts out to Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson as our inspiration thanks to FIR

2:08 Dave puts the call out for comments from listeners by waxmail or e-mail at [email protected]


3:00 What the podcast is not; not about egos or our firm or its clietns; when/if we do mention clients, it will be in context and with full disclosure

4:00 Outline of the intended format; try to keep to approximately 30 minutes; comments from listeners; tackle some issues of the week; a discussion about what Dave is blogging about on prworks.ca and a feature topic or interview

What’s on our minds:

6:30 Creation of the Canadian Council of PR Firms; CCPRF meeting with Toronto MBA programs to try and introduce PR in the curriculum; endorsement of the soon-to-be launched MRP measurement system; discussion of why this council formed outside the local CPRS or IABC chapters

14:45 Dave talks about the upcoming mesh conference in Toronto and Steve Rubel’s participation

Topic of the week:

22:18 a new philosophy on media training; authenticity vs. the message machine; has traditional media training caused more harm than good with audiences


33:15 Feedback, comments and requests to be interviewed are welcome; reminder of the [email protected] address and the Inside PR blog

34:54 Terry wraps up the show; theme music is Streetwalker by CJacks and is from the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer (and quite a ball hockey player!)


  1. Terry and Dave,
    Congratulations on the new podcast. I’m looking forward to hearing your views and even offering the occasional waxmail comment.

    One question about the Inside PR blog. I’ve just noticed that you don’t have a blogroll. I’ve always considered that a blogroll is an opportunity to build community by signalling who you consider to be participants in your “discussion group.”

    What is your thinking on this? Why did you decide not to have a blogroll.

  2. Robert, thanks for checking us out. As you can see, the blog is still under construction, but we were anxious to get the podcast going and submitted to iTunes, etc. We’d love to hear your voice on our podcast one day. As you know, I’m a big fan of what you and your students are doing at Auburn. Thanks for being our first subscriber…and, of course, we welcome suggestions.

  3. Many congratulations, Terry and Dave. Some feedback to come once I’ve had a chance to listen to your first show. Your promo is in today’s episode of FIR, #125!

  4. Terry and David: Congratulations, guys. Great premiere effort. And thanks for mentioning mesh.

    BTW, Rubel was on our “wish list” before he joined Edelman. His move happened sometime during our planning, I think. Their Sponsorship was a natural, however, given their global position in PR via social media, and that I used to be a Client 🙂

    – Stuart

  5. Thanks, Lynn. I’m glad you found us. Don’t be shy about sending in a comment to the show with Waxmail (www.waxmail.biz)…we’d love to have some Canadian voices on the program.

  6. Carol Panasiuk

    Well done! Very engaging. Easy to listen to. I think you are being a little overly harsh about the reputation of public relations. Let’s not rehash the negatives but focus on the positives e.g. the important role we play in communications.

  7. Carol, thanks for listening to our show. I agree that we should be highlighting the postives, but I don’t think we’ll shy away from dealing with some of the issues that concern us as practitioners. Sometimes we’ll be dealing with some harsh realities, but hopefully by discussing, debating and having listeners join in, we’ll have a constructive dialogue.

    At the same time, and as I said on the program, I would love to highlight great work that’s going on out there.

    I hope you’ll keep listening and keep commenting. Senior practitioners like you bring a lot to the discussion.

  8. Terry Fallis

    Thanks for the comment Carol. It’s great to know PR leaders are listening. The goal of Inside PR is in fact to shine a positive light on the industry and dispel the many myths that plague us. But that can’t happen unless we examine those misperceptions and our industry’s role in reinforcing them. We hope we’re in for the long haul so while the journey may be uncomfortable at times, the destination will be worth the trip. Thanks again…


  1. infOpinions? :: Public Relations
  2. PR Works
  3. Inside PR » Blog Archive » Inside PR #155 - Wednesday, March 18, 2009
  4. Inside PR podcast turns 10 - ProPR

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