FIR_itunes cover_Inside_PRThis week, Gini Dietrich and Martin Waxman fly without Joseph Thornley – who has gone missing. (Drat that day job.)

Martin leads off with a discussion of Jack Dorsey‘s attempt to shift perceptions in the ongoing conversation about the future of Twitter.  Gini talks about the importance of managing crises by participating in conversations  where they are already taking place. As Gini points out, many people resist change to the applications they know and are accustomed to using. That resistance will only be overcome with clear explanations and allowing people time to consider and try the new and changed features. Here’s a post from Verge discussing what it will look like.

Speaking of shifting perceptions, Martin and Gini have a great discussion about ads featuring celebrities. And then they use this as a launching point to talk about advertising equivalencies (AVEs) and the importance of the PR industry to measure meaningful outcomes.

We’d love to know what you think. 

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And we have a favor to ask: If you like this podcast, please rate us on iTunes.


Thank you to the people behind Inside PR.

Our theme music was created by Damon de SzegheoRoger Dey is our announcer.

Inside PR is produced by Joseph Thornley.


  1. Inside PR 435: Of Twitter, Celebrity Advertising and Advertising Value Equivalency - ProPR

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