Gini Dietrich, Martin Waxman and Joseph Thornley are back with another episode of the Inside PR podcastThis week, we discuss:


Instagram Stories continues to attract publisher interest. It could well be the combination of an engaging experience meeting a pre-existing audience.

Blab shut down, abruptly. Another sign that the psychology of scale has beat out the idea of sustainability for many business founders? For sure, it’s another reminder of the danger of placing your content eggs in any single shared space.

Unless you promote it, they will not come

Gini Dietrich schooled Joe on the importance and method of promoting content when she interviewed him for the Spin Sucks Inquisition. Within minutes of the post going live, Joe started to see mentions on his Twitter feed. Over the next week, he watched Gini promote the video. But beyond that, he watched Gini’s network chime in and share it. So, this week, we discuss Gini’s approach to promoting content, an approach which enables her to leverage a large and interested community of interest.

Listen to the end for this week’s outtake

You know that we’re not polished in our presentation. And if you heard us before the show is edited, you’d know that even better. But we genuinely like one another and have fun doing the show. Occasionally, this shows through in what we don’t include in the final version. Listen to the very end to get a taste of the stuff we leave on the cutting room floor.

We hope you like the podcast as much as we like making it for you.

Now it’s your turn.

We’d love to know what you think about the topics we discussed as well as your suggestions for questions you’d like answered or topics for future shows. Leave a comment on the blog, send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], leave a comment on the Inside PR Facebook group or the FIR Podcast Network Facebook group, We’re also on Twitter. We’re @inside_pr or connect directly with Gini DietrichJoseph Thornley, and Martin WaxmanAnd we have a favor to ask: If you like this podcast, please rate us on iTunes.


Thank you to the people behind Inside PR. Our theme music was created by Damon de SzegheoRoger Dey is our announcer. Inside PR is produced by Joseph Thornley.

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