We talked about it on IPR 31 and for the record, Terry is for it and I’m against it. What say you?


  1. Hi guys – love the show and it was great to hear you discussing employee engagement which is the area that The Engaging Brand covers….as an aside worth listening to an interview I did with Seth Godin on how to create a “purple cow” employment brand…some great ideas.

    But as for music I am as undecided as you. I had music then took it off as people said they fast forward through it as they want the content…if they wanted music then they would go to Adama Curry etc Now people say Where is the music? It relaxed me into the show. So I await the outcome of your trial – maybe you will find the answer for me.

    Keep up the fantastic content – love it. Apologies for any incorrect Eginlsh!

  2. Hey thanks for checking in Anna. Who knows where we’ll end up but we might have something interesting in IPR #32 (or maybe not…) Thanks for listening…

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