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This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss how PR agencies are being structured in 2008.
Show Notes
00:27 Dave introduces the show
01:06 Terry alerts the listeners that Podcasters Across Borders is coming up this weekend
02:10 Terry Introduces the main topic: How PR agencies are being structured in 2008 or Organizing for better business
02:49 Terry starts up the conversation on organizing to win new business. The panel talks about whether it is better to get the whole firm winning new business or if you should hire one person for the job
04:48 Julie makes a comparison between new business gathering and hunting
07:24 Dave talks about his experiences while working at a larger firm
10:30 Terry draws the conclusion that New Business is best worked on by everyone.
16:22 Dave talks about circumstances where having new business hunters worked
18:58 The panel talks about how agencies organize to deal with client work
22:15 Martin and Julie talk about breaking down position barriers to take some of the tension out of the work place
27:30 Silo structures are referenced
31:46 The panel talks about how companies can be organized around certain Sr. people or the company’s “Rainmakers”
39:25 Terry closes up the show
Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.
This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.