Well, not literally. But Gini, Joe and I are taking a short summer hiatus on August 17 and 24. We’re planning to enjoy the weather we talk about so much at the beginning of each show.
We’re back on August 31 – fresh from our podcast vacation and ready for the fall.
So…enjoy your time away to catch up on reading, socializing, movie watching, writing, gardening, tennis, swimming, lying on the beach, dining…or maybe even on an old podcast or two.
See you in a couple of weeks!
Do you have an idea for a topic you would like us to discuss? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], join the Inside PR Facebook group, leave us a comment here, message us @inside_pr on Twitter, or connect with Gini Dietrich, Joe Thornley, and Martin Waxman on Twitter.
Our theme music was created by Damon de Szegheo; Roger Dey is our announcer.
Produced by Kristine Simpson.