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Well, it’s January 2013 and we thought we’d start the year with some upcoming projects and a list of the conferences we’re planning to attend.
Gini’s writing her second book, aptly titled Spin Sucks: The Book. It’s about the general perception that PR is made up of a bunch of spin doctors and what we can do to restore the industry’s reputation and perform our jobs ethically and honestly. In other words: how to ‘Fight Against Destructive Spin’.
Joe and the Thornley Fallis team are working on an ebook entitled, The User’s Guide to Social Media Listening and Engagement Tools, a marketing and communications industry resource. Twenty-two platforms will be reviewed and rated and individual sections will be published as blog posts.
Martin mentions he’s gearing up for the new University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies Digital Strategy and Communications Management Certificate program. The first class, a Foundations course, starts on January 23 and is almost full. Future plans include offering the Certificate courses online. Stay tuned…
And speaking of online courses, Gini is one of the presenters in the Content Success Summit presented by Social Media Examiner. And Joe and Shel Holtz are offering an Integrated Social Media Course through IABC beginning on January 17.
Conferences we’re looking forward to/speaking at:
BlogH.O.T., March 25 to 27, Los Angeles
PRSA Western District Conference, April 18 to 20, Phoenix
Ragan 22nd Annual Corporate Communicators Conference, April 29 to May 1, Chicago
Mesh conference, May 15 and 16, Toronto
PRSA Counselors Academy Conference, June 9 to 11, Austin
CPRS National Conference, June 9 to 11, Ottawa
IABC 2013 World Conference, June 23 to 26, New York
PRSA Digital Impact, June 27 and 28, New York
PRSA International Conference, October 26 to 29, Philadelphia
There are lots more places to learn and keep your digital and social media skills finely tuned. We’d love to hear about what you’re looking forward to.
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