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On this week’s Inside PR podcast, we have the second of a two part interview with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson, the co-hosts of one of the longest running podcasts for professional communicators, the FIR For Immediate Release podcast. Last week, we talked about the early origins of podcasting, what motivated Shel and Neville to become podcasters, the content they offer and their relationship with their community.
In this week’s interview, we talk about the launch of the FIR Podcast Network, what it is and what the future holds for it.
This autumn, Shel and Neville launched another initiative – assembling a series of other related communications podcasts into the FIR Podcast Network – a collection of podcasts offering an unequalled breadth and depth of coverage of topics and best practices of interest to the professional communicator. In the past two months, the podcasts now on the FIR Podcast Network have grown to include:
FIR, the Hobson and Holtz Report, the original flagship podcast in which Neville and Shel cover the news of the week and draw on the discussions occurring on the FIR Podcast Google+ community;
FIR on Strategy, Andrea Vascellari‘s weekly tutorial on the development and application of strategy to communications challenges;
FIR Presents All Things IC, Rachel Miller‘s monthly look at internal communications issues and practices;
TV@Work, Ron Shewchuk‘s look at how to use video to engage employees.
Linked Conversations in which Chuck Hester unlocks the secrets to effective use of LinkedIn as a business tool; and
Inside PR, in which Gini Dietrich, Martin Waxman and Joseph Thornley bring an agency leader’s perspective to the most important and latest developments in communications.
Gini, Martin and I are excited to be part of the FIR Podcast Network. We think it has the potential to turn into something much more over time. At a minimum, it’s returned some of the joy of discovery and innovation that was the hallmark of the early days of our social media journey together. And over time, it may well become a definitive source for communications news and tips.
We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], join the Inside PR Google+ Community, join the Inside PR Facebook group, leave us a comment here, message us @inside_pr on Twitter, or connect with Gini Dietrich, Joseph Thornley, and Martin Waxman on Twitter.
Thank you to the people behind Inside PR
Our theme music was created by Damon de Szegheo; Roger Dey is our announcer.
Inside PR is part of the FIR Podcast Network.
Inside PR is produced by Kristine D’Arbelles and Ashlea LeCompte.