Inside PR #156 – Wednesday, March 25, 2009


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This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman look back over the past three years of Inside PR, discuss the future of social media and welcome three listener comments.

00:28 Dave opens the show.

01:20 Terry introduces the Inside PR anniversary show clips from Episodes 1, 52 and 104.

03:53 Episode #1 clip starts.

05:46 Episode #52 clip starts.

08:20 Episode #104 clip starts.

11:11 Terry, Dave and Martin discuss the show clips and how the show has evolved in the past three years.

13:17 Terry reflects on the change in the concept of transparency and authenticity in the world of PR over the past few years.

18:18 Dave opens the question of whether or not first-mover advantage is one of the most important factors in social media.

19:07 Dave makes note of the fact that most Inside PR subscribers also listen to other PR podcasts, such as For Immediate Release and Six Pixels of Seperation.

22:18 Terry notes that while podcasts have not grown in popularity as quickly as he thought they might, many mainstream media outlets, such as the CBC and NPR, provide content in podcast form.

24:25 Dave mentions the difficulty that amatuer podcasters have in competing with mainstream podcasts hosted by people like Bill Maher and Adam Carolla.

26:42 Terry introduces a comment from Sallie Goetsch, founder of The Podcast Asylum.

27:21 Terry introduces a question from Kalene Morgan, a PR professor at Humber College.

31:55 Terry welcomes the final comment from Alison Farbar, who was introduced to Inside PR by Shel Holtz.

34:00 Terry asks Dave and Martin for their thoughts on how an individual can make the transition from the client side of PR to the agency side.

39:01 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.