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This week on Inside PR, Terry and David talk about the future of social media and PR’s place within it. Also, they welcome audio comments from Paull Young, Andrew Findlater, and Colin Douma. Chris Clarke contributes his weekly commentary. Finally, Terry does his segment of Inside PRoper English.
Show Notes
00:29 David introduces the show. He invites listener feedback through email at, the comment line at 206-600-4741, or comment on the Inside PR show blog.
01:15 Terry wants to point listeners to an interview he did with Paull Young for the Forward Podcast.
03:12 Terry talks about his venture into the world of audio book podcasting with his novel The Best Laid Plans, this week with an offer to have his book listed on Podiobooks.
04:10 David talks about a possible new feature on Inside PR: phonecasting, which allows listeners to download podcasts to their cell phones.
05:15 David talks about a podcast interview he did with Eric Bergman about the MRP system he helped pioneer.
6:55 Terry kicks off this week’s batch of comments with an email from Michael Keliher. He talks about a promotional giveaway that listeners can enter here.
09:12 David introduces an audio comment from Andrew Findlater of National PR, who is in search of a social media savvy PR professional. Terry points out that his firm is also on the hunt for such PR pros.
14:10 Terry introduces an audio comment from Paull Young on Canada’s social media scene.
15:20 David introduces an audio comment from Colin Douma. Colin wonders what the future of PR, marketing, and social media are going to look like.
21:30 Terry and David use Colin’s question as this week’s main topic for discussion. Terry has a sense that there will be some change in communications as everyone tries to put a stake in social media. David thinks that the focus needs to be on the conversation and on the fact that we need not go through the media anymore. David asks the question: will marketing and PR change because of social media?
29:05 Terry adds that PR isn’t about selling, and that’s why he thinks we’re best suited to own social media.
31:58 Terry introduces Chris Clarke’s commentary this week.
35:28 Inside PRoper English: avoiding unnecessary “filler” words, phrases and cliches like “essentially,” “basically,” “at the end of the day,” and Terry’s favourite, “in terms of.”
37:50 Terry closes the show and invites listener comments: through email at, on the comment line at 206-600-4741, or comment on the Inside PR show blog. Also, they welcomes listeners to the Inside PR Blubrry site.
Music: our theme music is Streetwalker by CJacks, and is from the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.