Inside PR #118 – Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss the importance of transparency and authenticity in the social media space and a company’s internal practices.

Show Notes

00:27 Dave introduces the show

02:37 Dave introduces the “bit” from Jon Hoel out of Australia. Jon created the theme song for IPR #100. You can find his contribution to the show at 02:09.

03:17 Jon joins the IPR panel from Australia. He shares his most recent interview with Shel Holtz on tactical transparency and is available on June 22nd’s For Immediate Release. Shel is currently co-writing a book on the topic which will be published under the IABC and will be available in November.

05:29 Shel defines transparency on the employee and client levels.

06:36 He mentions the empowerment trend of the 1980’s.

09:32 Dave opens up the main topic of discussion: The importance of transparency and authenticity in the social media space and in a company’s internal practices.

13:20 Martin brings up Bridezilla.

Using this example, he talks about how transparency would have ruined the “fun” of the stunt.

15:26 Dave starts the talk on internal communications and transparency.

20:37 Dave brings up the issue of lack of communications to the front-line or 1-800 employees.

21:32 Martin introduces a topic out of Josh Hallett’s discussion at the Counselors Academy Conference.

23:34 Dave uses WestJet as a great example of employee empowerment.

31:05 Martin talks about how certain, older companies communicate only through lawyers.

32:57 Dave mentions fiduciary responsibilities of companies and references and Amanda Chapel’s twitter feed.

33:36 Dave talks about the perceived power of social media.

35:22 Martin talks about advising v. reacting as a PR counselor.

36:38 Dave talks about his flight to Ottawa sitting beside Pamela Wallin .

40:19 Dave ties up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #117 – Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss four ways to turn your boutique agency into a Super Star, proper, PR agency.

Show Notes

00:27 Terry opens the show

01:09 Terry tells us about Podcasters Across Borders

03:34 Dave introduces the comment from David Silverman of Outpost out of the UK

05:01 Dave sets up the main topic of discussion for this week’s Inside PR: Four ways to turn your boutique agency into a Super-Star agency

05:13 Tip #1 – Build new practices by hiring experts.

06:43 Terry uses the hiring of Michael O’Connor Clarke to illustrate the effectiveness of this tip

09:58 Martin brings up the importance of being flexible in specialization

11:15 Tip #2 – Build experience in new areas by working with smaller clients and consider it an investment

14:14 Terry talks about how he and Dave learned to podcast with Ian Hull of Hull & Hull LLP.

16:41 Tip #3 – Growing your firm through buying or merging with a smaller agency that specializes in an area of interest

18:36 Martin gives us some examples of American firms using this tactic to enter into the Canadian market

20:40 Tip #4 – Fake it until you make it (though the panel of Inside PR does not recommend this action)

24:07 Martin talks about the importance of referrals

24:39 Tip #5 – Leverage your skills (a special supplement from Martin)

25:46 Terry talks about working with associates

27:31 Dave ties up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #116 – Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss how PR agencies are being structured in 2008.

Show Notes

00:27 Dave introduces the show

01:06 Terry alerts the listeners that Podcasters Across Borders is coming up this weekend

02:10 Terry Introduces the main topic: How PR agencies are being structured in 2008 or Organizing for better business

02:49 Terry starts up the conversation on organizing to win new business. The panel talks about whether it is better to get the whole firm winning new business or if you should hire one person for the job

04:48 Julie makes a comparison between new business gathering and hunting

07:24 Dave talks about his experiences while working at a larger firm

10:30 Terry draws the conclusion that New Business is best worked on by everyone.

16:22 Dave talks about circumstances where having new business hunters worked

18:58 The panel talks about how agencies organize to deal with client work

22:15 Martin and Julie talk about breaking down position barriers to take some of the tension out of the work place

27:30 Silo structures are referenced

31:46 The panel talks about how companies can be organized around certain Sr. people or the company’s “Rainmakers”

39:25 Terry closes up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #115 – Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, Keith McArthur and Julie Rusciolelli and discuss creativity in pitching new business.

Show Notes

00:34 Terry opens the show

01:31 The panel talks about their weekends. Terry tells us about the Leacock Medal ceremony and about getting the TD Bank Comfort zone seats at last Sunday’s Blue Jays game.

02:50 Terry talks about Third Tuesday’s in June across Canada. He asks listeners to check out Joseph Thornley’s Blog at

03:51 Terry plugs Podcasters Across Borders

06:18 Keith Talks about CMA’s word of mouth marketing Conference: Mass to Grass

07:23 Julie talks about her participation in Luminato

09:42 Terry introduces the main topic of discussion: creativity in pitching new business

11:06 Julie talks about some tricks Maverick uses

16:38 Keith talks about a three stage process Veritas went through to pitch a client

19:59 Terry shares experiences in pitching Travelocity and Charles Schwab Canada

23:36 Julie shows that experience and credentials won’t necessarily get you the win

25:28 Terry talks about the importance of connecting with a client and how important chemistry is

28:13 Terry describes TFC‘s Molson pitch and building a train set in the board room

30:32 Terry reads the comment from John Unkart of Michigan, USA

31:49 Julie, Keith and Terry respond

34:42 Terry closes up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

InsidePR #114 – Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli and discuss the evolution and potential extinction of the news conference.

Show Notes

00:26 Terry introduces the show

01:44 Terry introduces the comment from Bob Ledrew

03:40 Martin introduces the main topic: What is it with news conferences today?

05:08 Julie talks about a news conference Maverick did for the Sony PSP launch which was highly successful and included celebrity appearances by Wayne Gretzky and Alexisonfire

07:33 Terry talks about a failed news conference where only one freelance writer from CARP Magazine (now Zoomer Magazine) showed up

10:46 Dave talks about when it is a good time to call a news conference. He uses Sir Richard Branson’s coming to Toronto to launch a Virgin product in Canada as an example

13:56 Martin Mentions News Theater

18:08 Julie opens up the topic of the future of the news conference

27:11 Terry wraps up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #113 – Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, David Jones, Julie Rusciolelli and Martin Waxman discuss the 5th Gap Year Study out of the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communications and PR Studies.

Find the article here.

Show Notes

00:50 Dave opens the show

02:00 Dave starts the discussion on this week’s topic: The Fifth GAP Survey Of Public Relations Practices out of UCN Annenberg

03:33 The panel talks about the relationship of PR to the C-Suite

07:03 Dave lists other positive elements of being a PR firm close to the C-Suite other than larger budgets. They follow:

  1. Encouraging ethical practices
  2. Reputation management
  3. Contributing to organizational success

13:06 Julie talks about shopping a release

15:57 Dave brings up measurability

17:16 Martin talks about PR’s current measurement tools

18:28 Julie talks about lift

22:16 Julie discusses the Study’s findings on Agencies of Record

28:03 Martin, Dave and Julie discuss the practice of firms hiring multiple agencies

32:09 Dave wraps the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #112 – Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Keith McArthur and David Jones review this weeks events and discuss PR agencies and how they need to change.

Show Notes

00:32 Dave introduces the show

01:27 Keith talks about the InfoPresse conference and the launch of

02:43 The debate about social media as a cultural or technological revolution begins. The understanding of the tools or the the understanding of the culture; which is more important?

03:49 Keith gets a dig in at Dave for having issues with last week’s podcast

04:07 Dave references Kate Trgovac

04:53 Dave talks about Joseph Thornley’s  Social Media Roundtable , MESH and speaking at MESH about podcasting with Doug Walker. Doug Walker hosts the Shill Podcast with Dave and writes the webwalker blog

08:19 Welcome to the main topic of the show: PR Agencies and How They Need to Change. This topic was brought up in reference to a blog post by Todd Defren – developer of the social media press release.

09:52 Dave and Keith discuss the “5 thoughts on the future of PR“:

  1. Agencies must become comfortable with the personal branding of employees
  2. Agencies need to do a far better job training staff
  3. Agencies have to explain to clients that mistakes will happen
  4. Agencies must help clients move from reactive to proactive to interactive
  5. Agencies must reconsider their core value

40:30 Dave wraps the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #111 – Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry, Keith and Martin welcome comments from Rick Weiss and Guy Skipworth, define roles in PR firms and discuss promoting employees.

Show Notes

00:30 Terry introduces the show.

02:45 Keith talks about Interactive Marketing Conference that he is attending on May 15th with Dave Jones. Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief at Wired Magazine and author of The Long Tail, is the keynote speaker.

04:09 Terry discusses his talk at a communications event for Government of Ontario employees.

05:06 Terry introduces the comment from Rick Weiss ( a regular listener and student at Centennial College)

05:24 Rick Weiss asks if it’s possible to salvage the image of a company in distress with an excellent PR campaign

09:05 Terry introduces the comment from Guy Skipworth of Mediaco

09:28 Guy Skipworth opens the conversation on titles in agencies

10:10 Terry, Martin and Keith define the titles in agencies and outline some of the tasks that they find to be most important

23:40 Terry starts of the conversation about when to promote an employee. The panel discusses:

Promoting from within
Skills development
Breaking down title boundaries
Setting objectives
Succession planning
Career Planning
Retaining Employees

    33:13 Terry closes up the show.

    Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

    This week’s episode was produced by Kyra Aylsworth and published by Samantha Lovelace.

    Inside PR #110 – Tuesday, May 6, 2008


    Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

    This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, Dave Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss 360 Degrees: All Things Connected, Terry’s BIG WIN, character blogs and social media’s impact on public relations.

    Show Notes

    00:25 Dave introduces the Show

    01:17 Julie talks about the CPRS event she will be attending along with Joseph Thornley

    02:45 Dave mentions Terry’s BIG WIN!

    03:51 Terry tells us about winning the Leacock Medal for Humour


    Terry’s Website – Home of the Best Laid Plans

    The News Release

    Link to’s Ontario Today Archives

    Buy The Best Laid Plans Online

    About PLR

    08:36 Terry introduces the comment from Jay Moonah; Talks about Uncle Seth, Podcaster’s Across Boarders, Mark Blevis and Bob Goyetche

    09:34 Jay Moonah leaves a comment about character blogs and the balance between authenticity and having fun. References: the Captain Morgan blog, Story2OH! and the comment on OneDegree

    11:46 The panel talks about character blogs; pros and cons. They reference: the All I Want for Christmas is a PSP blog, Dwight’s blog, Fake Steve Jobs blog, Jiminy Glick and Amanda Chapel

    An episode of Jiminy Glick

    18:13 Dave introduces the topic of social media’s impact on public relations

    27:59 Terry Wraps up the show

    Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

    This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace

    Inside PR #109 – Tuesday, April 29, 2008


    Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line at 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

    This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, Keith McArthur and Julie Rusciolelli discuss communications in politics and touch on both the TTC strike move and the Beijing Olympics.

    David Jones and Martin Waxman are away.

    Show Notes

    00:24 Terry opens the show

    01:24 Julie mentions Terry’s appearance in the Toronto Star

    02:08 Terry speaks about the Leacock medal

    02:51 Julie talks about Communitech and Chris Anderson – Author of The Long Tail

    04:49 Terry starts the conversation on communications in politics by talking about communications in the time of a strike

    12:03 Keith asks about advice to union leaders

    13:07 Julie talks about humanizing causes

    14:36 Terry mentions role reversal – turning the bad guys (gov’t) into heroes through failed communications

    17:54 Terry introduces the second political communications topic: The Beijing Olympics

    25:29 Terry closes up the show.

    Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

    This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace