Inside PR #157 – Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss awards season in the PR world and welcome comments from listeners.

00:28 Dave opens the show.

01:03 Martin welcomes a comment from Crystal Klippenstein, regarding the role of PR practioners in the non-profit sector.

03:15 Dave welcomes a comment from Karen Ashley, regarding the old Inside PR segment, Inside PRoper English.

06:07 Dave introduces this week’s topic: awards season in the world of PR, specifically the IABC awards and the CPRS awards.

10:14 Dave and Martin discuss the common weak points they have encountered within award submission packages.

13:17 Dave and Martin both agree the more specific your objectives are, the more likely your award submission is likely to stand out.

16:40 Dave opens a discussion about the reasons PR agencies enter their work for awards.

20:43 Dave thinks that creating a nicer looking award and a more exciting award ceremony are key to chalking up more interest in submitting for consideration.

23:51 Dave sums up the top three reasons most PR agencies enter themselves for award consideration.

26:43 Dave closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #156 – Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman look back over the past three years of Inside PR, discuss the future of social media and welcome three listener comments.

00:28 Dave opens the show.

01:20 Terry introduces the Inside PR anniversary show clips from Episodes 1, 52 and 104.

03:53 Episode #1 clip starts.

05:46 Episode #52 clip starts.

08:20 Episode #104 clip starts.

11:11 Terry, Dave and Martin discuss the show clips and how the show has evolved in the past three years.

13:17 Terry reflects on the change in the concept of transparency and authenticity in the world of PR over the past few years.

18:18 Dave opens the question of whether or not first-mover advantage is one of the most important factors in social media.

19:07 Dave makes note of the fact that most Inside PR subscribers also listen to other PR podcasts, such as For Immediate Release and Six Pixels of Seperation.

22:18 Terry notes that while podcasts have not grown in popularity as quickly as he thought they might, many mainstream media outlets, such as the CBC and NPR, provide content in podcast form.

24:25 Dave mentions the difficulty that amatuer podcasters have in competing with mainstream podcasts hosted by people like Bill Maher and Adam Carolla.

26:42 Terry introduces a comment from Sallie Goetsch, founder of The Podcast Asylum.

27:21 Terry introduces a question from Kalene Morgan, a PR professor at Humber College.

31:55 Terry welcomes the final comment from Alison Farbar, who was introduced to Inside PR by Shel Holtz.

34:00 Terry asks Dave and Martin for their thoughts on how an individual can make the transition from the client side of PR to the agency side.

39:01 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #155 – Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis and Martin Waxman discuss managing a PR agency through the current economic recession.

00:28 Terry opens the show.

00:57 Housekeeping note: Terry explains why Inside PR #154 has not yet appeared on iTunes.

03:38 Martin introduces the show topic for this week: managing an agency through the recession.

03:54 Martin mentions that the show topic was partly inspired by Todd Defren’s recent blog post.

05:11 Martin mentions the Counselor’s Academy, an offshoot of The Public Relations Society of America, which is an organization geared toward PR agencies.

06:38 Terry begins a review of the ways in which agencies bill their clients and how that may change during a recession.

13:29 Terry introduces a discussion on the challenging concept of value billing.

20:08 Terry shares some techniques on cash-flow managment for PR agencies.

28:40 Terry opens a discussion about the most valuable resource any PR agency has: it’s people.

32:26 Terry gives Dave Fleet a shout-out for all his hard work at Thornley Fallis.

34:18 Terry announces that next week’s episode of Inside PR marks the show’s 3rd anniversary!

35:11 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #154 – Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman have an in-depth conversation about PR accreditation.

00:25 Dave opens the show.

00:54 Dave introduces this week’s topic: Accreditation in the world of PR and the two major organizations that grant it.

01:44 Martin gives a quick 101 on the Canadian Public Relations Society APR designation, which he describes as similar, but not quite identical to the accreditation of the Public Relations Society of America.

06:05 Terry opens a discussion about the value of PR accreditation.

17:01 Terry discusses his interest in Edward Bernays and how he first learned about him while listening to the CBC’s radio show The Age of Persuasion, hosted by Terry O’Reilly.

18:24 Martin talks about James Grunig, a communications theorist, who has developed 4 major models of public relations.

19:40 Terry discusses the application requirements for the IABC’s ABC accreditation and compares it to the requirements of the CPRS program to pursue an APR.

21:30 Martin mentions that he and his fellow accreditation committee co-chair at the CPRS, Vince Power, act as facilitators of study groups for those who are pursuing their APR.

25:57 Terry thanks Shel Holtz for suggesting that a discussion of the APR should include comments about the IABC’s ABC accreditation.

26:29 Housekeeping note: Terry thanks Janna Guberman for loyally producing Inside PR these past few months and notes that the producer’s torch has been passed on to Sarah Laister.

27:14 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #153 – Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis and Martin Waxman play catch-up with listener comments and discuss Skittles leap into the world of social media.

00:26 Terry opens the show.

01:05 Terry tells us that this week’s show will be devoted to a “comment round-up,” which will be followed by a specific topic near the end of the show.

01:46 Terry introduces the the first comment from Deborah Zanke, sole proprietor of a PR consultancy.

06:27 Terry welcomes an audio comment from Jeremy MacLaine, a student at Loyalist college.

08:05 In response to Jeremy’s question, Terry and Martin discuss the do’s and don’t’s of being an intern in the PR world.

11:35 Martin welcomes an audio comment from Volodymyr Dehtyarov of Nords PR Ukraine.

17:03 Terry introduces another comment that was left on the blog by Mike Keliher.

20:12 Martin wraps up the comment portion of the episode with two final comments from last week’s live episode, recorded at Podcamp Toronto.

20:29 Terry takes a moment to thank Podcamp organizers Dave Fleet, Jay Moonah and Eden Spodek for organizing such a great event.

21:57 Martin reads the second last comment of the show, submitted by a Boston PR firm.

22:15 Martin welcomes the final comment of the show from Sarah Bannoff.

23:09 Martin introduces a discussion about the new Skittles website.

25:18 Terry asks whether the net effect of Skittles bold leap into social media is positive or negative.

29:27 Both Terry and Martin agree that Skittles foray into social media will certainly be used as a case study amongst PR professionals in the future.

30:40 Terry asks Martin for his opinion on how Skittles could take their current experience with social media and turn it around.

32:04 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #152 – Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman are podcasting live from Podcamp Toronto at Ryerson University and host the show as a Q & A session with their live audience.

00:29 Terry opens the show.

00:49 Terry reminds us that Inside PR is being recorded live at Podcamp Toronto which is held at Ryerson University.

00:57 Terry tells us the show topic will be determined by audience questions this week, with some focus on the role of social media within public relations.

01:42 Maureen McBride asks Terry, Dave and Martin for their opinion regarding the balance between traditional media and social media and how that balance is changing within the public relations field.

10:04 Dave asks the audience, specifically those who work in PR, what their biggest fear is when it comes to working within the social media space.

10:20 An audience member asks whether or not PR agencies understand the time sensitivity involved in engaging with social media, as opposed to the time allowances of working with traditional media.

15:16 Diana Spremo, an independent PR practitioner, asks Terry, Dave and Martin to define the social media press release.

16:18 Dave tells the audience that that Boris Spremo, Diana’s father, is a legendary photojournalist, who has worked for such publications as the Toronto Star.

19:48 Audience member Danny Brown asks if it might be time for PR to have a regulatory body.

25:05 Heather Robinson asks Terry, Dave and Martin as PR practitioners how they convince their clients to give social media a try.

31:53 Michelle Sullivan asks everyone what they think the future of traditional media might hold.

33:52 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.

Inside PR #151 – Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss the notion of PR people becoming the story and how this relates to the online world and welcome comments from Al Croft, Eden Spodek and Roger Christie.

00:26 Dave opens the show.

01:41 Dave reminds us that Inside PR will be doing a live recording at Podcamp Toronto at Ryerson University.

03:21 Dave gives a shout-out and congratulations to Ed Lee who has taken over for Keith McArthur at com.motion.

03:58 Martin mentions that he was has started a Wiki called “Twittionary“, an evolving dictionary on all things twitter, which was based on a post by Shannon Yelland.

04:33 Terry reads a comment form Al Croft.

06:09 Martin introduces an audio comment from Eden Spodek of Bargainista and Community Divas.

06:22 Eden Spodek leaves a comment asking Terry, Dave and Martin to define influencers.

06:55 Martin give his perspective on how he defines an influencer.

07:52 Dave discusses how he defines an influencer.

14:08 Terry introduces a comment from Roger Christie on Online Reputation Management stemming from an online study by Weber Shandwick.

18:30 Terry mentions that Roger has also written a blog post on this topic.

19:04 Dave introduces the show topic: The Notion of PR People Becoming the Story.

23:35 Dave brings up the topic of how this relates to the online world – he refers to a “fight” that occurred on Twitter recently.

25:32 Martin mentions that Ian Capstick has a post encapsulating where things are in terms of this “fight”.

25:40 Martin mentions the ongoing battle between Scott Monty and Jalopnik.

36:21 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.

Inside PR #150 – Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis discusses the main differences between agency work and corporate/in-house work within a PR department and welcomes comments from Julia Bae, Shel Holtz and Jermaine Stennett.

00:27 Terry opens the show.

01:36 Housekeeping: Terry reminds us about Third Tuesday Toronto on February 17, with Carol Leaman, the CEO of AideRSS hosting.

02:42 Terry reads a comment from Julia Bae, a PR student at Ryerson University.

06:14 Terry mentions that working with the Canadian Council Of Public Relations Firms, they’ve been getting together with Terry Flynn at DeGroote School of Business at McMaster and developing a few professional development modules for PR.

07:27 Terry introduces a comment from Shel Holtz about including IABC‘s ABC accreditation in the discussion of APR ref: Annette Martell.

08:54 Terry introduces a comment from Jermaine Stennett which provides the topic for today’s show: What is the main difference between agency work and corporate/in- house work within a PR department.

11:18 Terry discusses the agency side.

15:10 Terry talks about the client/corporate side.

20:40 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.

Inside PR #149 – Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss Todd Defren‘s post “Don’t Fire Your Agency for Performance (Before Reading This)” and welcome a comment from Sheldon Levine.

00:28 Dave opens the show.

01:09 Dave mentions that Third Tuesday Toronto is taking place on Tuesday February 17. The guest speaker is Carol Leaman, the CEO of AideRSS, the company behind PostRank.

02:18 Dave mentions that Leona Hobbs, who formally worked at Tucows, has accepted a position at Social Media Group as Director of Communications.

03:15 Terry introduces a comment from Sheldon Levine, a student at Seneca College, on IPR #147.

05:05 Terry notes that they will be doing a live recording of Inside PR at Podcamp Toronto which is taking place Feb 21st and 22nd at Ryerson University.

07:58 Martin mentions that he is the APR co-chair for Toronto.

09:05 Martin introduces the topic of discussion: Todd Defren‘s post “Don’t Fire Your Agency for Performance (Before Reading This)“.

20:22 Dave mentions some ways to make sure the agency/team is performing up to expectations.

23:00 Terry mentions the importance of checking in with your clients.

28:53 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.

Inside PR #148 – Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis and Martin Waxman discuss the social media efforts of the Globe and Mail in light of the unveiling of the federal budget and welcome comments from Jody Koehler and Erick Bauer.

00:26 Terry opens the show

01:24 Terry notes that Guy Skipworth has started a blog called “The Big Canadian Picture”.

01:40 Martin mentions that his business partner, Louise Armstrong, who is a certified etiquette expert has launched a blog called “A Call for Class”  which deals with etiquette in communications and in your everyday business life.

02:33 Martin explains that Louise is certified by the Protocol school of Washington.

04:49 Terry mentions that Podcamp Toronto is coming up on Feb 21st and 22nd at Ryerson University and that Inside PR will be doing another live recording there.

05:57 Terry mentions that Donna Papacosta of Trafcom news podcast left a comment.

06:41 Terry reads a comment left by Jody Koehler in Holland.

07:43 Martin introduces a question from Erick Bauer about how to go about building a social network as a student while still respecting the busy schedules of the professionals you’re approaching.

08:56 Martin says, as Joe Thornley mentioned at Talk is Cheap, one thing to do is engage them in the social media space, for example, commenting on their blog.

10:04 Terry discusses engaging in the social media space, but also the importance of meeting them face to face.

12:37 Terry introduces the major topic for the show: The social media efforts of the Globe and Mail in light of the unveiling of the federal budget.

24:28 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.