Inside PR #124 – Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-337-0727, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis and Martin Waxman host an interview by Bob Ledrew with Brendan Dermody of, welcome comments from Al Croft, Sallie Goetsch and Bob Crawshaw and discuss the email pitch.

Show Notes

00:28 Terry opens the show.

02:47 Bob LeDrew interviews Brendan Dermody about

04:07 Brendan explains how works.

05:10 Brendan talks to‘s competition. (Ref: HaroPr Leads)

07:18 Brendan talks about feedback they have been receiving.

11:00 Bob wraps up the interview.

11:29 Terry does a little promo for

14:02 Terry reads a comment from Al Croft of A.C. Croft and Associates.

15:21 Terry talks about IPR numbers.

16:06 Terry reads a comment from Sallie Goetsch of Podcast Asylum.

20:21 Bob Crawshaw from Maine Street Marketing leaves a comment about systems that PR firms use to get their job done.

23:30 Martin talks about how Palette is working towards reducing e-waste.

26:11 Martin and Terry take a look at the email pitch.

30:06 Terry wraps up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #123 – Wednesday, August 7, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-337-0727, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, David Jones, Terry Fallis and Julie Rusciolelli discuss the market reality for talent in agencies.

Show Notes

00:29 Dave opens the show.

01:42 Dave starts the conversation about the reality of the market for agency talent.

04:19 There are four core responsibilities in the agency market: account service, account management, account leadership and agency leadership.

04:58 Dave summarizes account services responsibilities.

08:12 Terry begins the talk on account management.

13:58 Dave defines the account management responsibilities.

15:13 The panel discusses the account leader and account leadership.

26:22 Dave sums up with group and agency leadership and the ultimate responsibility of being in these roles.

33:18 Terry wraps up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #122 – Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-337-0727, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis and Martin Waxman talk about the importance of writing in PR and give the listeners tips to become better writers. They welcome comments from Josh Turner and Rick Weiss.

Show Notes

00:26 Terry opens the show.

01:47 Terry mentions Shel Holtz’s visit to Toronto.

03:29 Josh Turner leaves a comment about last weeks Inside PR on fit and personality.

07:08 Rick Weiss asks about “too good to be true” hires and whether a company should hire someone so that the “other guy” can’t get them.

09:32 Martin introduces the main topic: Tips to becoming the better writer.

10:30 Tip #1: Read and read a lot. Try to read as eclectically as possible.

13:20 Tip #2: Be Clear. Clarity is absolutely essential in thought and writing.

15:00 Martin talks about the issue of Jargon (or Gobbledygook).

16:22 Tip #3: Writing it small. Learn to pair it down. Be concise and brief. (Martin cites Pontoon by Garrison Keillor as an example)

19:36 Word of Advice: Want to practice good writing? Get on Twitter!

20:26 Tip #4: Re-write and polish! Take the time to make it magnificent before sending it off to edit.

23:25 Tip #5: Watch that style and Grammar! Ensure your style is up to par and your grammar flawless.

We Recommend:

26:55 Tip #6: You can always be a better writer.

We recommend:

  • Volunteering to write articles for your community paper.
  • Write in a journal every day.
  • Take a writing workshop.

30:46 SUPPLEMENT: How to write a news release.


  1. Writes the headline.
  2. Brainstorms his points.
  3. Polishes the piece through 2nd and third drafts


  1. Writes the headline.
  2. Writes a sub-header.
  3. Writes the lead through to the end.
  4. Moves the paragraphs around.
  5. Edits through to the end.

34:14 Tip #7: Develop and work through your own personal style.

35:03 Terry wraps up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #121 – Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-337-0727, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss the
importance of fit and personality in an agency and how to know when a potential hire will “fit in”.

Show Notes

00:37 Terry opens the show.

01:51 Terry talks about the iTunes issue.

02:34 Terry introduces a comment from Josh Turner of Trillium Corporate Communications.

04:50 Terry lays down the main topics of the show: How important are fit and personality in an agency setting and how do you know when a potential hire will “fit in”?

06:16 Martin talks about Caliper Canada and Caliper testing.

07:37 Julie talks about her experiences using the test.

14:21 Terry asks about bringing on a new hire who has a great client record, but alienates colleagues.

18:52 Julie opens talks on how you know a person is going to “fit in”.

22:33 Martin tells a great story about getting a fantastic reference for a new employee.

23:34 Julie talks about why she does not trust references.

25:01 Terry talks about how he gets a sense for an employee’s potential fit.

27:19 Terry talks about coaching.

28:44 Julie and Martin give their last “2 cents” on the matter.

31:12 Terry wraps up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #120 – Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-337-0727, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Julie Rusciolelli discuss best practices in introducing new employees to your firm.

Show Notes

00:27 Terry opens the show.

02:30 Terry alerts listeners to the fact that Inside PR #118 and #119 have not loaded to iTunes, but that we hope to have the issue fixed shortly.

03:38 Terry talks about the introduction of Dave Fleet to the TFC Toronto team. Dave writes the Fleet Street blog and came to Thornley Fallis from the Government of Ontario.

04:27 The main topic is introduced: Best practices in introducing new employees to your firm.

04:48 Dave reviews the three main points of discussion:

  1. Doing the little things right
  2. Using the buddy system
  3. The client briefing

and talks to getting those little things done.

08:51 Julie talks about the buddy system that they use at Maverick.

12:06 Terry talks about the lack of orientation programs in smaller public relations agencies.

16:15 Dave talks about the Hill and Knowlton beer cart orientation method.

16:48 Terry brings up briefing new employees on ALL the company’s clients and client projects.

19:38 Julie talks about her “14 day deliverable” orientation strategy.

24:26 Dave mentions the importance of leadership for new employees not from an agency background.

28:33 Dave welcomes Dave Fleet to the “PR fraternity” and ties up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #119 – Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, David Jones, Julie Rusciolelli and Martin Waxman discuss training and how PR agencies are keeping their staff up to date.

Show Notes

00:34 Dave opens the show.

02:38 Julie introduces the main topic: Training and what PR agencies are doing to keep their staff up to date.

03:40 Martin talks about something Palette PR has been doing. He references a lunch and learn their team will be having with Parker Mason of CNW Group. Parker was Martin’s CPRS Mentee.

05:14 Dave opens talks about the demand for training.

05:57 Julie talks about training credits and end of year training activities. She references Rogen training courses.

08:53 Dave talks about training at Hill and Knowlton where they carry out formal and informal training sessions including Lunch and Learns.

13:19 Julie talks to the three reasons people stay in a firm: growth and learning, fun and money.

13:42 Martin talks about staying at a job out of fear of change and complacency.

14:31 Martin and Julie discuss their thoughts on the APR accreditation.

17:24 Julie talks about IABC and CPRS.

18:43 Dave introduces the discussion on budgeting for training.

22:56 Julie opens the talks on mentoring.

34:08 Dave closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #118 – Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss the importance of transparency and authenticity in the social media space and a company’s internal practices.

Show Notes

00:27 Dave introduces the show

02:37 Dave introduces the “bit” from Jon Hoel out of Australia. Jon created the theme song for IPR #100. You can find his contribution to the show at 02:09.

03:17 Jon joins the IPR panel from Australia. He shares his most recent interview with Shel Holtz on tactical transparency and is available on June 22nd’s For Immediate Release. Shel is currently co-writing a book on the topic which will be published under the IABC and will be available in November.

05:29 Shel defines transparency on the employee and client levels.

06:36 He mentions the empowerment trend of the 1980’s.

09:32 Dave opens up the main topic of discussion: The importance of transparency and authenticity in the social media space and in a company’s internal practices.

13:20 Martin brings up Bridezilla.

Using this example, he talks about how transparency would have ruined the “fun” of the stunt.

15:26 Dave starts the talk on internal communications and transparency.

20:37 Dave brings up the issue of lack of communications to the front-line or 1-800 employees.

21:32 Martin introduces a topic out of Josh Hallett’s discussion at the Counselors Academy Conference.

23:34 Dave uses WestJet as a great example of employee empowerment.

31:05 Martin talks about how certain, older companies communicate only through lawyers.

32:57 Dave mentions fiduciary responsibilities of companies and references and Amanda Chapel’s twitter feed.

33:36 Dave talks about the perceived power of social media.

35:22 Martin talks about advising v. reacting as a PR counselor.

36:38 Dave talks about his flight to Ottawa sitting beside Pamela Wallin .

40:19 Dave ties up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #117 – Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman discuss four ways to turn your boutique agency into a Super Star, proper, PR agency.

Show Notes

00:27 Terry opens the show

01:09 Terry tells us about Podcasters Across Borders

03:34 Dave introduces the comment from David Silverman of Outpost out of the UK

05:01 Dave sets up the main topic of discussion for this week’s Inside PR: Four ways to turn your boutique agency into a Super-Star agency

05:13 Tip #1 – Build new practices by hiring experts.

06:43 Terry uses the hiring of Michael O’Connor Clarke to illustrate the effectiveness of this tip

09:58 Martin brings up the importance of being flexible in specialization

11:15 Tip #2 – Build experience in new areas by working with smaller clients and consider it an investment

14:14 Terry talks about how he and Dave learned to podcast with Ian Hull of Hull & Hull LLP.

16:41 Tip #3 – Growing your firm through buying or merging with a smaller agency that specializes in an area of interest

18:36 Martin gives us some examples of American firms using this tactic to enter into the Canadian market

20:40 Tip #4 – Fake it until you make it (though the panel of Inside PR does not recommend this action)

24:07 Martin talks about the importance of referrals

24:39 Tip #5 – Leverage your skills (a special supplement from Martin)

25:46 Terry talks about working with associates

27:31 Dave ties up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #116 – Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, David Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss how PR agencies are being structured in 2008.

Show Notes

00:27 Dave introduces the show

01:06 Terry alerts the listeners that Podcasters Across Borders is coming up this weekend

02:10 Terry Introduces the main topic: How PR agencies are being structured in 2008 or Organizing for better business

02:49 Terry starts up the conversation on organizing to win new business. The panel talks about whether it is better to get the whole firm winning new business or if you should hire one person for the job

04:48 Julie makes a comparison between new business gathering and hunting

07:24 Dave talks about his experiences while working at a larger firm

10:30 Terry draws the conclusion that New Business is best worked on by everyone.

16:22 Dave talks about circumstances where having new business hunters worked

18:58 The panel talks about how agencies organize to deal with client work

22:15 Martin and Julie talk about breaking down position barriers to take some of the tension out of the work place

27:30 Silo structures are referenced

31:46 The panel talks about how companies can be organized around certain Sr. people or the company’s “Rainmakers”

39:25 Terry closes up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.

Inside PR #115 – Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Comments? Send us an email at [email protected], call us on the comment line on 206-600-4741, visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR, Terry Fallis, Keith McArthur and Julie Rusciolelli and discuss creativity in pitching new business.

Show Notes

00:34 Terry opens the show

01:31 The panel talks about their weekends. Terry tells us about the Leacock Medal ceremony and about getting the TD Bank Comfort zone seats at last Sunday’s Blue Jays game.

02:50 Terry talks about Third Tuesday’s in June across Canada. He asks listeners to check out Joseph Thornley’s Blog at

03:51 Terry plugs Podcasters Across Borders

06:18 Keith Talks about CMA’s word of mouth marketing Conference: Mass to Grass

07:23 Julie talks about her participation in Luminato

09:42 Terry introduces the main topic of discussion: creativity in pitching new business

11:06 Julie talks about some tricks Maverick uses

16:38 Keith talks about a three stage process Veritas went through to pitch a client

19:59 Terry shares experiences in pitching Travelocity and Charles Schwab Canada

23:36 Julie shows that experience and credentials won’t necessarily get you the win

25:28 Terry talks about the importance of connecting with a client and how important chemistry is

28:13 Terry describes TFC‘s Molson pitch and building a train set in the board room

30:32 Terry reads the comment from John Unkart of Michigan, USA

31:49 Julie, Keith and Terry respond

34:42 Terry closes up the show

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Samantha Lovelace.